Heartsome Europe GmbH  / Translation Technology - eTourisms Consultancy
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Araya Testversion of the Bilingual Term Extractor - Activation - Step 1

You can download here a test version of the extractor. You can check the functionality of this tool with this version. In contrast to the full version only 20 term pairs are displayed and stored (internally all term pairs are computed). Please note that at least Java Version >= 6 must be installed.

In a first step activate your test version. You will receive an activation link.

Please not that for checking purposes the supplied e-mail address will be stored in a database together with the activation code. If you do not want this action press "Cancel" to stop the process. Your data will only be used for internal purposes and not given to anybody outside our organisation.


Please note that we cannot take any responsibility for any errors ocuring when using this version.

We would be happy if you send us an e-mail if you use this version. For information about our products, services and prices send an e-mail to: info@heartsome.de

© Heartsome Europe GmbH, last change: 21.08.2013 Home info@heartsome.de
Skype: Heartsome Europe / Friedrichstr. 17 - 90574 Roßtal / Germany / +49 9127 579001